Sunday, June 19, 2011

Take two...

"Those that do not learn from history are bound to repeat it..."
This commonly used phrase is one that I have always used to justify my history addiction. I mean, I'm just trying to prevent a repeat, right? I have tried one other time to do the blog thing while attempting to train and complete a marathon. And to relate it back to history, my attempted was somewhat reminiscent of the Hindenburg crashing into the sinking Titanic. So, I figured I would stick to what I know and love.
There are quite a few contributing factors to this blog actually coming to fruition.
1. I have been away from teaching history for over a year and am missing talking about it every day.
2. The stack of history books (my addiction as you will come to find out) was piling up and I needed the motivation to make some "me" time in my work-filled life by reading a bit more.
3. I had a simple moment at work when we were celebrating a co-worker's birthday with a red velvet cupcake that I had to restrain myself from chiming in with the sweet treat's WWII origins (don't you worry, this will make an appearance in a future post).
It dawned on me when I repeatedly would show up to my weekly work staff meeting and add a history fact of the week, that maybe I should shift my history passion to a more productive avenue. I just can't help myself...I LOVE history! I love that we are living out history in our own lives and that we can learn so much from the past. I love researching unique and interesting aspects of what might seem like boring textbook filler.
So, here goes nothing...I'm going to see how this project evolves. Right now, I see it being a combination of book reviews and some interesting tidbits that I think are worth sharing and might spark some interest. And, of course, drooling over and starting a countdown for whatever new history item is on pre-order at If you have any request or are curious about any specific topics, let me know. I would love to write about topics of interest or have the opportunity to research some new facts that you might not already know!
Here's to making some more history!

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